Every experienced investor knows about the impact of analysts’ ratings on the stock actions. The next agency or the bank like Deutsche Bank, RBC Capital Markets, Piper Jeffrey issue the stock analysis, and, based on their ratings and recommendations (buy, hold, sell, upgrade, downgrade, overweight, market perform, market underperform, neutral…),
LIQUID INVESTMENTS AND THE MOTIF'S MARVEL I have discovered CEFs (closed-end funds) and BDCs (business development corporations) by reading Seeking Alpha newsletter articles (free). Now, they are large part of my liquid portfolio. My investments include the dividend-producing investment vehicles such as preferred stocks, ETFs, ETNs, CEFs, and BDCs. Each of them is using
A few investment lessons were learned by a regular guy. Part III.MY RULES OF TRADING I have a few simple rules so far that outline my trading habits (most of them are well known): I watch the market. When the market is in a confirmed uptrend, I am in buying
A few investment lessons learned by the regular guy. Part II. Note: Read the first part of this article in the Category: Investments. As an active investor, I have separated my assets into a few different investment vehicles: Real Estate properties that generate income and allow me to cover the
The traditional diversification is dead. A few investment lessons were learned by the regular guy. Part I. Summary You all were beginners at some point. I have been lucky to be a mentor for many IT professionals and therefore I have the mentor’s attitude but I don’t pretend to be